Load the preload !

If I tell you frictionless, unpredictable and amazing for christmas are you thinking about Preload ? If not, you should !  Preload outside of being the cheapest way to do user acquisition is in my sense one of the best channels to work on. With preload you are not an ad, you are an experience ready to be open and be played. 

Wait, what is a preload? 


By the past, It used to be something painful. I remember the first time I worked with a direct deal. We had to manually send the apk at EACH app update ; imagine the nightmare. 

However nowadays, especially thanks to some amazing folks as Digital Turbine preloads are an amazing way to extend your audience easily and frictionlessly ! It is a way not intrusive to be closer than ever to your user, preloaded on his/her device at low price, ready to deliver your USP and provide an experience. It is a way not to disturb your user with ads everywhere on his/her fav. social media saying install my app but already being there. 

Why are you speaking about friction? Are you tense? 

Well no, not really but your user may be when he or she sees all those ads all day long  screaming install my app and go outside your favorite app. Actually, according to Digital Turbine, 47% of the gamers do not find ads helpful.  And the main principle of preload is to avoid Mental friction by pre loading the app on the user device !

  1. Mental Friction : Beeing in the game and not want to leave 🙂 
  2. Physical Friction : Beeing pushed to click, waiting to get an install

So a preload might be better than a rewarded video or any other ad? 

When you think about it, why are you watching a rewarded video ? 

  1. Is It to leave the game and play another app ? 
  2. To get your reward and moove forward to your next level in your game?  

Gladely, people do both so even if Rewarded video get high CPM it is still driving installs and amazing CTR. However, deep down when you think about it ; the ratio of people dropping and not installing your app because only interested in your reward does exist. So how do you reach those people ? And how do you reach people never clicking on ads – and we know those people do exist. The answer is that you preload ! 

How different is the funnel ? 

Hugely. We are speaking about an ad where a user clic, is redirected to a store page, then installs your app and then opens It in scenario 1. But in scenario 2 with preload, we are speaking about an app already on the smartphone; the user only has to click on the icon to open It. Digital marketers are used to it, the more steps in the funnel the more drop you have and It can be for any reason (lost the connection, had to do something, got bored etc.). 

So the closer the better? 

Yes. With preload you can not be closer to your user. You are already there saying, hey come try my game and enjoy my real USP ! Where on ads It is really subjective. Even if a user acquisition manager does crazy good work making creative affordable for all ; the perception of a creative can be taken in so many different way that will lead you or not to convert. And the store page can also be so different that the user drop. 

But what about my retention? 

This is actually a topic, cheaper installs; higher volume and lower retention, bigger impact into ingame KPIS. If you already ran a campaign it is indeed the first thing your PMM and Game Manager told you. And they are true but what about misleading creative that convert people on fake gameplay ? Those do not always have a lower CPI and do affect for sure your mid and end of the funnel KPIS. Preload is a volume story and it is a long time story as well. Step back and think differently ; follow your long term cohort in retention / ROAS and see. Usually people calculate the cost per retention on long cohort ; so you can then compare apples to apples !

Last but not least ….


Do not forget preload is a matter of market and device ! Is Samsung strong in China? Are you going to invest in Bouygues in France or Wiko cheap device or Verizon in US? You need to know your market and accordingly lead your investment ! 

Then think about seasonality, when do people spend crazy time on their device and get a new smartphone? 

Also, keep in mind that depending on your game genre, your open rate is not going to be equal and can affect your cost ! I hope you are ready to get onboard with preload and ready to be FRICTIONLESS ! 🙂 

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